Exploratory Data Analysis - COVID-19 Data

This is an EDA Sample Project on the India geographical dataset of COVID-19.

Problem Definition for COVID-19 EDA Sample Project:

  1. Analyze the association between the number of doses taken and the number of deaths in each state.
  2. Calculate the growth rate of confirmed cases and death rate by state.
  3. Calculate the distribution of doses among the population of each state.
  4. Compare the population of each state based on the different doses taken.

I followed complete workflow stages to complete the task in terms of data extraction and visualization for better understanding.

Workflow stages for COVID-19 EDA Project:

  1. Question or Problem Definition.
  2. Acquire training and testing data.
  3. Wrangle, prepare and cleanse the data(preprocessing and cleaning data).
  4. Analyze, identify patterns, and explore the data(Visualization and information extraction).
  5. Conclusion (Extracted information).

Earlier I learned about visualization with Seaborn. Along with that, I try to utilize those skills and

Collab notebook link: Link

Dataset link: Link

My Website link: https://www.ukant.tech

Ukant Jadia
Ukant Jadia
Graduate | ML & Software Engineer

My research interests include applied machine learning, visualization, programming boring stuff.