What I Know About Java
Me learning Java
Explaining the
pubic static void main(String[] args)
the execution of our code starts form main.
let in order to create the object of class x we should have the main method
So main is a parameter and it takes parameter ie.
main ( )
And the type of the parameter can be anything so we take the
except values and we don’t know how many values we are taking so we take arraymain(String args[])
There is nothing to return in main so it is a
typeIn order to call the method we require the object and the execution of our code is start from the main so that’s why it considered as
static void main(String args[])
and it made public so
public static void main(String args[])
creating a object inside the main
- we type the class name and obj name
Main obj
- then we have a keyword
: it tell the jvm how memory it required for the given class, for that the size of class is define by the default constructor.
- it is like a blowing the air inside the pillow (keyword new ), and capacity of that pillow is constructor.
Java OOP
Method Overloading
- Methods with same name but diff in (parameter or data type of the(both)).
- this kind of methods are known as overloaded method. ex :
void func(){..}
int func(){...}
float func(int x){...}
void func(int x, float k, long l){...}
- Method overloading should be consider by the type or count of the parameter that passed to a method not by the return type of the method.
- It is member method.
- Constructor have same name as class name.
- Constructor will never return anything.
- It used to allocate the memory.
- Every time when we have to create a any object we have to use the constructor weather we define it or not.
- If we don’t create a constructor it will be there that’s a default constructor.
- What a Constructor do : it will define the size of class which help keyword new to create the memory accordingly .
- unlike methods, a constructor has the same name as that of class and does not have any return type.
- In java similar to method but only invoked when an object of the class is created. ex:
class Main{
private short num;
// constructor
Main() {
System.out.println("After the object is create. ");
num = 27;
public static void main(String[] args){
// object of class is created
Main obj = new Main();
// calling the var
System.out.println("the short number is "+ obj.num);
- There are three type of Constructor
- Private Constructor : Private constructor can’t be accessed from outside the class.
- No-Arg Constructor : Constructor that does not accept any arguments.
- Parameterized Constructor : Constructor that accepts arguments.
- Default Constructor : Constructor that is automatically created by the Java compiler if it is not defined.
- A constructor can not be
Access Modifier
It is helpful in the Encapsulation ( preventing the data from misuse and alter.).
And to Control what part of program can access the members of a class.
Default : Declarations are visible only within the package(package private).
Public : This can be access by other class.
Private : This can not be accessed by other class.
Protected : Declarations are visible within the package or all subclasses.
refer to this image this
this key word
- this : refer to the current object inside a method or constructor.
- in other words: this is treating the variable with same name, differently according to there position/place.
- using this with getters and setters : in getters/setters we are using the same var name as in the program
- using this in constructor overloading ex:
class Complex {
private int a, b;
// constructor with 2 parameters
private Complex( int i, int j ){
this.a = i;
this.b = j;
// constructor with single parameter
private Complex(int i){
// invokes the constructor with 2 parameters
this(i, i);
// constructor with no parameter
private Complex(){
// invokes the constructor with single parameter
public String toString(){
return this.a + " + " + this.b + "i";
public static void main( String[] args ) {
// creating object of Complex class
// calls the constructor with 2 parameters
Complex c1 = new Complex(2, 3);
// calls the constructor with a single parameter
Complex c2 = new Complex(3);
// calls the constructor with no parameters
Complex c3 = new Complex();
// print objects
- passing this as an argument : - i also didn’t get it. ask to sir
final keyword
- final keyword means used to denote the constants and it can be used with variables,method and classes.
- final variable cannot be reinitialized with another value.
- the final method cannot be overridden.
- the final class cannot be extended.
- used to check whether an object is an instance of class or not
- syntax
objectName instanceOf className;
- It allows to create a new class from an existing class.
- just inherit it from it’s father class.
class Main
public static void main(String args[])
child boy = new child();
class parent{
String color = "White";
System.out.println("It is same like we get the traits from our parents, JDK or JVM also doing the same thing.");
// it is same like we get the traits from our parents, JDK/JVM/java is also doing the same thing.
// inherit from parents
class child extends parent{
public void display(){
System.out.println("The value for variable \'color\' is comming from the parent class.");
System.out.println("Color of child is "+color);