Networking Command Netstat

Learn how to use netstat command

Learn Netstat

A basic Linux network command


  • Prints the network connection and routing tables.
  • Like an CCTV monitor for every connection come in and go out from your machine.
  • MiniManual
  • netstat -ant : a for all connection, n for numeric, t for all TCP connection//u for the UDP connection
  • netstat -rnec :r for the route information, n numeric, e extend, c continous prints the result
  • netstat -stuw : s for statistics summary,t/u for tcp/udp, w prints raw data
  • netstat -tulpn : it shows the connectio with PID numbers
  • lsof -i : it establish the connection
Ukant Jadia
Ukant Jadia
Graduate | ML & Software Engineer

My research interests include applied machine learning, visualization, programming boring stuff.