Network Concepts Basics

Learn the basics of netwroking

Networking Concept

Mac address

  • Media control access
  • It is physical address to identify the devices
  • it identify the NIC of each divices (NIC–> Network identification card)
  • ex:- ether 00:0c:49:0a:43:03
  • Mac work in the second and third layer of the OSI model
  • Specially it is related to the switches



  • Transmission COntrol Protocol
  • Connection oriented protocol
  • used in HTTPS/SSH/TelNet/SMTP/FTP
  • provide the more security and relailablity
  • it form one-to-one connection and it gurantee the complete delivery of data
  • Three way hand shake
  • SYN -> SYN-ACK -> ACK
  • it is slow due to three-way-handshake, it take time to complete and establis the connection
  • Use port to establish the connection
  • During hand-shake it acknowldge your machine to the requested server
  • contains the 20Byte packet


  • User Datagram Protocol
  • Connection less Protocol
  • it provide the fast transmission
  • Broadcast or multicast the message and the complete delivery of data is note guarnted
  • Streamming on voice-over-io(VOIP), DHCP,DNS
  • Used for streaming the data like procast, video
  • contains the 8Byte packet

Comman Ports and Protocol


  PROTOCOL/SERVICE                            PORT'S
    FTP                                        21
    SSH                                        22                                     
    TelNet                                     23
    SMTP                                       25
    DNS                                        53
    HTTP/HTTPS                                 80/443   
    POP3                                       110
    SMB                                        139+445
    IMAP                                       143


  PROTOCOL/SERVICE                            PORT'S
    DNS                                        53  
    DHCP                                       67.68
    TFTP                                       69
    SNMP                                       161

The OSI Model

  • Open Systems Interconnection(OSI)

  • Learn this mnemonic to to know the seven layer sequence

  • Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away

  • OSI seven layers are

      1. Physical                               (P)Please
      2. Data link                              (D)Do
      3. Network                                (N)Not
      4. Transport                              (T)Throw
      5. Session                                (S)Sausage
      6. Presentation                           (P)Pizza
      7. Application                            (A)Away
  • OSI Model Explain REF


  Layers                                        For
  1. Physical --                               Provide the connection between computer and network, it includes physical datacable,server
  2. Data Link --                              Make sure the data-transfer is error-free between different node, when data packet arrive at network layer then data link layer(DLL) deliver that packet to the requested host using MAC address.
  3. Network --                                Transmitt the data from one host to other, in different netwroks.It also place the reciver/sender ip address in header of packet.
  4. Transport --                              Data packet referred as Segment, it is responsible for the end-to-end delivery of complete message without any error/packet loss.
  5. Session --                                Responsible for the establishing the session,maintaining and also ensure the security
  6. Presentation ---                          Data from application layer(layer 7) is extracted here and manipulate as per the required to transmit over network.
  7. Application ---                           Used by the end user software such as web browser and email clients.

While Receiving the data from network model work from layer 1 –> layer 7

While sending the data from machine model work from layer 7 –> layer 1


  • IP address are work with the third layer of the OSI Model

  • There are two types of ip address

    • IPv4 :
    • IPv6 : 23:s3:3w:34:dw:23:2d
  • In IPv4 each section after delimeter(.) is contain the 8 bits each (0 & 1)

  • The total of complete ip address is 32 byte.

  • the total in terms of the bits is 256 that is from 0 to 255.

  • There are many network around you and your system and all are having the very specific identity number that is known as IP address.

  • Types of ip address in a network

    ClassStart ipEnd ipSubnet MaskNetwroks(max)Hosts(max)
  • IP address in the binary format

    • 11111111.11111111.11111111.0 ==
    • == 192.168.15.
  • Some Standard Slash Network

    • /24 Network
    • /25 Network

It is getting hard for me to write and draw the ahed so i am adding some link of my document go through them, Some link to internet resources

  1. 7_second_subnating
  2. subnet_execl_sheet
  3. my_hand_written_notes
Ukant Jadia
Ukant Jadia
Graduate | ML & Software Engineer

My research interests include applied machine learning, visualization, programming boring stuff.