Information Gathering First Step for Exploitatoin

The first step of attacking! know your target


There are two type of Reconnaissance

  1. Passive Reconnaissance :– Doing the recon without coming in direct contact of the target. \

  2. Active Reconnaissance :– Doing the active notecible action on the target site.

Passive Reconnaissance includes

  • local/Geo Information
    • Satellite Images
    • Building layout
    • Cabin location, fence, count of head in building, ways to exit, break areas, security fencing.
  • Job information
  • Senior manager name, meeting routine, job title.
  • Image from social sites like badge photo, cubical, desktop.

Web and Network Information

Targe Validation

First thing you have to do is, validate your target.

Weather the description of given target is having the relating with the given ip

Finding Subdomain

Testing only one domain or some domain is decrease the chances of finding the flaw.

Testing the all in-scope sub-domain is a good practice.

Tool can be use for finding the subdomain are

Google fu, dig, Nmap, sublist3r, bluto, etc.


We need to know which website running what on front or back.

What’s running on the host.

What’s web server, ssh, ftp, services.

Data Breaches

Just check if the credentials or account is pawned or not

Use this to check

havebeenpawned, Breach-prose, weleakinfo.

NOTE: Better Recon, enumeration makes you better pentester.

Email Address gathering with

  • You can use to find the people email address working or related to the domain you enter.

  • In free plan it only provide the 20 searches as free, so do not abuse the searches.

  • It also tell the where it get all emails written in source.

  • You have to login with valid email id to have account.

  • It also provide the category of email address, the department of the email owner.

Breach-Phrase from github

  • It is tool on the GitHub, it checks for the leaked credentials in its own in-build data of credentials
  • This in build data is gather from the dark web store.

NOTE: the gather email address are plays important role in further recon and enumeration.

Utilizing the Harvester

  • It searches with the domain.
  • It can gather the subdomain name, e-mail addresses, virtual hosts, open ports/banner, and employee name from different public sources like search engine, social site

Hunting Subdomain

We need see/identify what are the available or working subdomain out there. use this

  • Sublist3r

    • Sometimes it only give the 3 level subdomain

    • It give the all registered subdomain that can be 3 level or 4 level
  • OWASP Amass is more efficient tool than above mentioned

  • Sublist3r is slow during to fast up increase the threads NOTE: Found subdomain may or may not alive.

Identifying the Web Technologies

  • To Fingerprinting the web page or to get the services running in the background
  • wappalyzer is browser extension which show the frontend and backend services.
  • Terminal tool is whatweb
    • use whatweb -h for more details of tool
Ukant Jadia
Ukant Jadia
Graduate | ML & Software Engineer

My research interests include applied machine learning, visualization, programming boring stuff.