Enumeration Second Step for Exploitation

The basics of the second step for exploitation


Kioptrix level 1

  • Now as beginner we should a have vulnerable machine to test
  • Use kioptrix level a from vulnhub.
  • This is used for beginner to develop there skill by testing the vulnerable machine.
  • Download it, and set up it on your virtual software.
  • Make sure the network connection is set to NAT
  • Open the root folder(which contain all configuration files) and open configuration file and change Bridge to NAT
  • I Coppied select this option form pop dialogue
  • Once the setup is done do the arp-scan -l
  • On your system it will discover the available host in your ip CHIR
  • Ignore the x.x.x.1 and x.x.x.254 because this are your network identity and broadcast ip, Rest all machine are lying in your ip range.

Nmap stealthy scan

What normal two-way connection looks like


  • Stealthy scan doesn’t establish the connection it ask for the open port on the serve as server reply the status it will take the step back without establishing the connection.


  • Use this Namp flags for better enumeration nmap -T4 -p- -A <ip_address>
  • Go through the scan properly
  • Visit ip/webpage, check weather there you can do anything like directory busting.
  • Get all services running, also check the header and behaviour.
  • Do whatever you can do.
  • Then use nikto web vulnerability tool.

nikto -host <url>

Directory busting

  • dirbuster / birb / gobuster


  • start dirbuster from terminal
  • fill the slot with information of your target
  • for word file use /usr/share/wordlist/dirbuster
  • File extension depends on you or the time you have.
  • Received/common url can be a information disclosure of anything like stats, user-data, server header, response.
Ukant Jadia
Ukant Jadia
Graduate | ML & Software Engineer

My research interests include applied machine learning, visualization, programming boring stuff.