Dwmbar vs Dwmblocks a Taskmanger

issues witht the dwmbar and solution with dwmblocks


problem statement

with dwmbar the cpu uses is touching its picks and that thing i don’t like


to solve this i am trying to get the dwmblocks of Bugswriter

error or problem faced

  • get repo

  • run make and you may get this error 🔽

  • Pasted image 20220518015013.png

  • solving this we get this


okh now the error is fixed

So first know what is error about

error we are trying to automatically compile the dwmblocks.c file and in the code the library which is ariseing the error that is -lX11 The path to solve this is we have to do the maual compilation of an C language file and that is very easy

command for compilation is gcc dwmblocks.c -lX11 -o dwmblocks â–¶ gcc as in-build compiler, dwmblocks.c file to compile, -lX11 is lib adding manually during compilation, -o to get output with, dwmblocks as name of output file

edit the config file according to required blocks

NOTE📌 : cp the dwmblocks file to the /usr/local/bin so it can run from any where

take the dwmbloks script form lukesmith voidrice build use this

add bar scripts in the /usr/local/bin this path is given in the documentation of dwmblocks

now you are ready to run


idconfig –> configure dynamic linker run-time bindings.

Used to create links and cache to the most recent shared libraries .

gcc <-lib-to-add> -o <output-file-name>

gcc dwmblocks.c -lX11 -o dwmblocks

Ukant Jadia
Ukant Jadia
Graduate | ML & Software Engineer

My research interests include applied machine learning, visualization, programming boring stuff.