Basic Git Commands

Some useful commands for git

what you should do in git

  1. git init -b main
  2. git remote add origin <repo_link>
  3. git remote -v

cd to the root file of the project
echo "+ Project " >>
git init
git add .
git commit -m "README"
git branch -M Main
git remote add origin <repo_link> 
git push -u origin Main

after clonning any repo it have the address of origin, simply you cannot add your repo url for backup/project/ICR for that you have to change the origin url follow the following command

  • to check the origin url try the remote verbose git remote -v

  • to change the remote origin try git remote set-url origin <repo_url>

  • new error found

  • sometimes when we clone the repo we use depth=1 to remove it’s history

  • this give the error during pushing it to other origin

  • error looks like

  •      ![remote rejected] Main -> Main (shallow update not allowed)
  •   error: failed to push some refs to
  • to solve this try git remote set-url <old_url> git fetch –unshallow old

  1. git init -b main
  2. git remote add origin <repo_link>
  3. git remote -v

cd to the root file of the project echo “+ Project " » git init git add . git commit -m “README” git branch -M Main git remote add origin <repo_link> git push -u origin Main

after clonning any repo it have the address of origin, simply you cannot add your repo url for backup/project/ICR for that you have to change the origin url follow the following command

  • to check the origin url try the remote verbose git remote -v

  • to change the remote origin try git remote set-url origin <repo_url>

  • new error found

  • sometimes when we clone the repo we use depth=1 to remove it’s history

  • this give the error during pushing it to other origin

  • error looks like

  •      ![remote rejected] Main -> Main (shallow update not allowed)
  •   error: failed to push some refs to
  • to solve this try git remote set-url <old_url> git fetch –unshallow old +!/bin/bash

cd ~/work/obs/Obsidian

git add . git commit -m ‘daily update’ git push


  • to make dir work as git repo git init

  • to check the changes git status

  • to sort/simplify the changes git add .

  • git log shows the log of all commit done git log

  • restore to discard the changes git restore .

  • to commit the changes [with ‘-m’ for successful commit/{-m => metadata of changes}] git commit -m “daily update”

  • git push to add new file to the repo git push

  • command to add remote repo / it skip the authentication part during git push git remote add origin git branch -M master git push -m origin master

  • To solve the conflicts during rebasing git rebase –continue + fix conflicts and run this git rebase –skip + to skip this patch/changes git rebase –abort + to checkout the original branch

  • When we have unresolved conflicts before merging or having error related to add git fetch + to gain the latest changes from server git merge origin master + to give a try to automatice merging

  • it will only work if branch has to merge something– it can be checked with git status git merge –abort + the unresolved conflicts will be cleared off

  • to edit the conflicts git rebase –edit-todo git rebase –continue

  • if conflicts dosen’t resolve then git rebase –abort

  • it will give the path of unresolved files

  • if you know how to edit then resolve them

  • OR you can remove that confict by git rm

  • if nothing is ahppening you can skip the commit wiht git rebase –skip

Ukant Jadia
Ukant Jadia
Graduate | ML & Software Engineer

My research interests include applied machine learning, visualization, programming boring stuff.